1. We are mandated by the state of MN to report diseases that are on this list: hennepin.us/childcaremanual.
2. Attached to this manual is the Sick Child Exclusion list of illness as mandated by the MN Health Dept. If your child becomes ill during the school day or are unable to participate in the program with reasonable comfort, they will be moved away from other children and allowed to rest on a cot, if desired. Parents (and emergency contacts as needed) will be contacted to arrange for the child’s early pick up. 3. Children cannot return to school until (in most cases) 24 hours after the symptoms have passed:
If a child in the center contracts a contagious illness, parents will be notified. If your child becomes ill or injured and the staff deems it an emergency, one staff will call 911 and another staff will contact a parent or, if necessary, the emergency contact. If this happens we will follow the instructions given to us by emergency services (911). Minor injuries requiring an ice pack or band aid will be reported to a parent upon pick up. 4. If your child is sick or getting dropped off later than 10am, please let your center director know. At 10am we assess our staffing needs the amount of meals needed for the day. *Tuition is due even if days are missed or in-case of holidays or other school closings. |